Education Center
Medicare vs Medicaid
Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid? Although they have very similar sounding names, there are many differences between Medicare and Medicaid. While each of these government sponsored programs was established in 1965 - and each was primarily designed for helping...

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Healthplanoutlook.com is an Internet based resource for health insurance information. Healthplanoutlook.com is not an insurance agency but may provide your personal information to our recognized partners to receive quotes from some of the nation’s insurance companies. There will be a solicitation for health insurance products but in no way are you required to purchase a health insurance policy. We control and operate our site from our offices in Utah and conform to all Utah laws as well as laws of the United States of America.
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent [insert number of organizations] organizations which offer [insert number of plans] products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1–800–MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.
Participating sales agencies represent Medicare Advantage [HMO, PPO and PFFS] organizations and stand-alone PDP prescription drug plans that are contracted with Medicare. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal.
Enrollment in the described plan type may be limited to certain times of the year unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period